
A cheat sheet for 1password's keyboard shortcuts in Mac, Windows, iOS, Linux.

#1Password Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac

#Global keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Enter your own shortcut. Show 1Password.
Shift cmd Space Show Quick Access.
Shift cmd L Lock 1Password.
cmd \ Autofill.

#1Password app

Shortcut Action
cmd / View keyboard shortcuts.
cmd , Open preferences.
cmd F Search for items.
Option cmd F Find items in the current list.
Esc Clear the search field.
cmd 1 Switch to All Accounts.
cmd 2...9 Switch accounts and collections.
cmd [ Go back.
cmd ] Go forward.
Down Arrow Focus next row.
Up Arrow Focus previous row.
Right Arrow Focus right section.
Left Arrow Focus left section.
Return or Space Activate focused element.
cmd C Copy the username or primary field of the selected.
Shift cmd C Copy the password of the selected.
Option cmd C Copy the one-time password of the selected.
Shift cmd F Open the website for the selected login in your browser and fill your username and password.
cmd O Open the selected in a new window.
cmd N Create a new item.
cmd E Edit the selected.
cmd S Save changes to an item.
Esc Cancel an edit.
cmd R Reveal or conceal secure fields in the selected.
Option Temporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected.*
Delete Move the selected(s) to the Archive.
cmd Delete Delete the selected(s).
Shift cmd D Collapse or expand the sidebar.
cmd + Zoom in.
cmd - Zoom out.
cmd 0 Revert to actual size.
cmd M Minimize the app to the Dock.
cmd W Close the current window.

#1Password in the browser

Shortcut Action
Shift cmd X Open or close the 1Password pop up in Chrome, Edge, Brave, or Safari.
cmd . Open or close the 1Password pop-up in Firefox.
cmd F Search for items.
Esc Clear the search field.
cmd D Show the list of vaults.
cmd Down Arrow Open or close the category menu.
Down Arrow Select the next category, item, or field.
Up Arrow Select the previous category, item, or field.
Right Arrow Select the item details.
Left Arrow Select the item list.
Space Expand item overview banners.
Return Copy the selected detail.Perform the default action for the selected.
cmd C Copy the username of the selected.
Shift cmd C Copy the password of the selected.
Control Shift cmd C Copy the one-time password of the selected.
cmd Return Open the website for the selected login in a new tab and fill your username and password.
cmd O Open the selected in a separate window.
cmd I Create a new item.
cmd E Edit the selected.
Control Option Temporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected.
cmd G Show the password generator.
cmd C Copy a password from the password generator.
Shift cmd L Lock 1Password.
Esc Close the 1Password pop up.

#Quick Access

Shortcut Action
Shift cmd Space Open or close Quick Access.
Esc Clear the search field.
cmd 1...9 Switch accounts or collections.
Right Arrow View all available actions.
cmd C Copy username or primary field.
Shift cmd C Copy password.
Option cmd C Copy one-time password.
cmd O Open item details in new window.
Option Return Open the website for the login in your browser and fill your username and password.
Shift Return Fill the item in the currently focused app.
Shift cmd O Open the item in the app.

#1Password Keyboard Shortcuts for iOS

#1Password app (I)

Shortcut Action
cmd , Open settings.
cmd F Search for items.
cmd . Clear the search field.
cmd 1 Switch to All Accounts.
cmd 2...9 Switch accounts and collections.
cmd [ Go back.
cmd ] Go forward.
Down Arrow Focus next item.

#1Password app (II)

Shortcut Action
Up Arrow Focus previous item.
Space Activate focused item.
cmd C Copy the username or primary field of the selected.
Shift cmd C Copy the password of the selected.
Option cmd C Copy the one-time password of the selected.
cmd O Open the selected in a separate window.
cmd E Edit the selected.

#1Password app (III)

Shortcut Action
cmd S Save changes to an item.
cmd . Cancel an edit.
cmd D Add the selected to your favorites.
Delete Move the selected(s) to the Archive.
cmd Delete Delete the selected(s).
Shift cmd D Collapse or expand the sidebar.
Shift cmd L Lock 1Password.

#1Password Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

#Global keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Enter your own shortcut. Show 1Password.
Ctrl Shift Space Show Quick Access.
Ctrl Shift L Lock 1Password.
Ctrl \ Fill in Browser.

#1Password app

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift / View keyboard shortcuts.
Ctrl , Open settings.
Ctrl F Search for items.
Ctrl Alt F Find items in the current list.
Esc Clear the search field.
Ctrl 1 Switch to All Accounts.
Ctrl 2...9 Switch accounts and collections.
Alt Left Arrow Go back.
Alt Right Arrow Go forward.
Down Arrow Focus next row.
Up Arrow Focus previous row.
Right Arrow Focus right section.
Left Arrow Focus left section.
Space Activate focused element.
Ctrl C Copy the username or primary field of the selected.
Ctrl Shift C Copy the password of the selected.
Ctrl Alt C Copy the one-time password of the selected.
Ctrl Shift F Open the website for the selected login in your browser and fill your username and password.
Ctrl O Open the selected in a new window.
Ctrl N Create a new item.
Ctrl E Edit the selected.
Ctrl S Save changes to an item.
Esc Cancel an edit.
Ctrl R Reveal or conceal secure fields in the selected.
Ctrl Alt Temporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected.*
Delete Move the selected(s) to the Archive.
Ctrl Delete Delete the selected(s).
Ctrl Shift D Collapse or expand the sidebar.
Ctrl + Zoom in.
Ctrl - Zoom out.
Ctrl 0 Revert to actual size.

#1Password in the browser

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift X Open or close the 1Password pop up in Chrome, Edge, or Brave.
Ctrl . Open or close the 1Password pop-up in Firefox.
Ctrl F Search for items.
Esc Clear the search field.
Ctrl D Show the list of vaults.
Ctrl Down Arrow Open or close the category menu.
Down Arrow Select the next category, item, or field.
Up Arrow Select the previous category, item, or field.
Right Arrow Select the item details.
Left Arrow Select the item list.
Space Expand item overview banners.
Enter Copy the selected detail.Perform the default action for the selected.
Ctrl C Copy the username of the selected.
Ctrl Shift C Copy the password of the selected.
Ctrl Shift Win C Copy the one-time password of the selected.
Ctrl Enter Open the website for the selected login in a new tab and fill your username and password.
Ctrl O Open the selected in a separate window.
Ctrl I Create new item.
Ctrl E Edit the selected.
Ctrl Alt Temporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected.
Ctrl G Show the password generator.
Ctrl C Copy a password from the password generator.
Ctrl Shift L Lock 1Password.
Esc Close the 1Password pop up.

#Quick Access

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift Space Open or close Quick Access.
Esc Clear the search field.
Ctrl 1...9 Switch accounts or collections.
Right Arrow View all available actions.
Ctrl C Copy username or primary field.
Ctrl Shift C Copy password.
Ctrl Alt C Copy one-time password.
Ctrl O Open item details in new window.
Alt Enter Open the website for the login in your browser and fill your username and password.
Ctrl Shift O Open the item in the app.

#1Password Keyboard Shortcuts for Linux


Shortcut Action
Enter your own shortcut Show 1Password.
Ctrl Shift Space Show Quick Access.
Ctrl Shift L Lock 1Password.
Ctrl \ Fill in Browser.

#1Password app

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift / View keyboard shortcuts.
Alt Show or hide the app menu in the title bar.
Ctrl , Open settings.
Ctrl F Search for items.
Ctrl Alt F Find items in the current list.
Esc Clear the search field.
Ctrl 1 Switch to All Accounts.
Ctrl 2...9 Switch accounts and collections.
Alt Left Arrow Go back.
Alt Right Arrow Go forward.
Down Arrow Focus next row.
Up Arrow Focus previous row.
Right Arrow Focus right section.
Left Arrow Focus left section.
Space Activate focused element.
Ctrl C Copy the username or primary field of the selected.
Ctrl Shift C Copy the password of the selected.
Ctrl Alt C Copy the one-time password of the selected.
Ctrl Shift F Open the website for the selected login in your browser and fill your username and password.
Ctrl O Open the selected in a new window.
Ctrl N Create a new item.
Ctrl E Edit the selected.
Ctrl S Save changes to an item.
Esc Cancel an edit.
Ctrl R Reveal or conceal secure fields in the selected.
Ctrl Alt Temporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected.
Delete Move the selected(s) to the Archive.
Ctrl Delete Delete the selected(s).
Ctrl Shift D Collapse or expand the sidebar.
Ctrl + Zoom in.
Ctrl - Zoom out.
Ctrl 0 Revert to actual size.

#1Password in the browser

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift X Open or close the 1Password pop up in Chrome, Edge, or Brave.
Ctrl . Open or close the 1Password pop-up in Firefox.
Ctrl F Search for items.
Esc Clear the search field.
Ctrl D Show the list of vaults.
Ctrl Down Arrow Open or close the category menu.
Down Arrow Select the next category, item, or field.
Up Arrow Select the previous category, item, or field.
Right Arrow Select the item details.
Left Arrow Select the item list.
Space Expand item overview banners.
Enter Copy the selected detail.Perform the default action for the selected.
Ctrl C Copy the username of the selected.
Ctrl Shift C Copy the password of the selected.
Ctrl Shift Super key C Copy the one-time password of the selected.
Ctrl Enter Open the website for the selected login in a new tab and fill your username and password.
Ctrl O Open the selected in a separate window.
Ctrl I Create new item.
Ctrl E Edit the selected.
Ctrl Alt Temporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected.
Ctrl G Show the password generator.
Ctrl C Copy a password from the password generator.
Ctrl Shift L Lock 1Password.
Esc Close the 1Password pop up.


Shortcut Action
Ctrl P 1password --show
Ctrl Shift Space 1password --quick-access
Ctrl Shift L 1password --lock
Ctrl \ 1password --fill

#KDE Plasma

Trigger Action
Ctrl P 1password --show
Ctrl Shift Space 1password --quick access
Ctrl Shift L 1password --lock
Ctrl \ 1password --fill

#Quick Access

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift Space Open or close Quick Access.
Esc Clear the search field.
Ctrl 1...9 Switch accounts or collections.
Right Arrow View all available actions.
Ctrl C Copy username or primary field.
Ctrl Shift C Copy password.
Ctrl Alt C Copy one-time password.
Ctrl O Open item details in new window.
Alt Enter Open the website for the login in your browser and fill your username and password.
Ctrl Shift O Open the item in the app.

#Also see